This small bar of laundry concentrate can make a full gallon of detergent giving you 128+ loads of laundry, depending on your laundry load size and stink. That's just $0.19 per load of laundry!
Just pop the bar into a gallon of water and let dissolve over night, and voila! Traveling? You can take a small chunk of the bar with you and dissolve it in water once you get to your destination - no lugging around heavy containers.
To use: dissolve bar of soap in one gallon of water, no need for hot water or stirring. Once dissolved (we recommend overnight) it only takes 1 tablespoon for a regular load and 2-4 tablespoons for a large load.
Store the unused pieces in a container to keep them dry. Shelf life for the undissolved pieces is > 2 years. After you have dissolved the laundry concentrate, we recommend you use the liquid laundry soap within 6 months.
Pairs well with: Stain Remover Stick.
INGREDIENTS: Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Soap Nuts Liquid, Saponified Lye, Yucca Powder, Baking Soda, Oxalic Acid, Salt, Rosemary Oleoresin
PACKAGING: Comes in a recyclable cardboard box.
BRAND: Manufactured by Tangie Waste Free Products, a Florida Based Company.